How to get 10x more sales out of your content creation
Every content created is valuable. But why are some content pieces performing so strong while others cannot even make one single sale with their content…
Content Creation – educating the potential online shopper
Every online shopper looking for a special product wants to get more information about a product. Maybe about how to use a lawnmower or maybe something else. Sometimes people want really detailed information on every single product feature before they buy something. But where can you find these informations? Exactly.
On blogs or content platforms where product tests are presented more detailed information is presented. Another advantage maybe many online shoppers are looking forward to is the fact that blogs often stay in a kind of neutral and more objective role. This view often includes a more comparative view that also includes cheaper or more expensive products as well. A clear advantage towards pure sales pages.
How to win a buyer with created content?
Ask yourself the question what the buyer is actually looking for and if your content earns some curiosity. A buyer can be triggered to buy a nice shirt or pullover if he or she sees an influencer wearing great appealing dresses. It is not neccessarily the detailed content that wins the buyer all the time. Sometimes people simply need some inspiration to buy a product.
The same goes for informative youtube videos. It does not have to be a product show or holiday trailer that makes some buy. If people are looking for a way to get a job done, some kind of preduct recommendations might be pretty successful. It often depends on the way you are able to wrap a content around your product. If you feel that you will get a high quality product, maybe because of a great content impact, you are going to buy the product more often.
There is no special receipe that will make an online search directly converting to an online sale. That would be just to easy. But from time to time people might get interested in what you describe or what you recommend of course alsways depending on the information and the added value that is promised

The statistics behind content creation and online sales
The question that goes together with the impact of created content is in how far it is able to convert prospects to customers. The conversion rate is therefore very important for any person who is interested in sales. But conversion rates depend on many factors. Email conversion rates are much higher than social media posts. And actually email convert 40x more customers. This is really impressive if you think about your next social media campaign. But email is still numbers one online sales channel.
Directing the prospect towards your offer – The quicker, the better
Cruising around an offer will not make anybody buy your product. The problem in online sales is that a user usually stays no longer than a few minutes on a website. This attention shortage can be the ruin of your business. You have to make him or her find the offer and deliver the buying decision straight away in a “surprise box”.
If you manage to guide you customer straight away to your offer or make him leave an email adress, your job has been finished pretty good. Just in a few branches visitors spend more than 60 seconds on a webpage. That is not much time to convince someone that your products might be pretty good.
The more convincing your offer will be the higher your chances will get that someone will at least think about a purchase. As a content creator you have to include the product you want to sell on first sight. And in best case the offer must be connected very close to your content. If you manage to align products and content in a way that the customers can see a solution in your product you might find your way through towards more online sales…..
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